Dr. Ben Carper
(864) 269-3770 – Office
Dr. Ben Carper joined his mother at Elizabeth Carper Real Estate in 1995 after completing a real estate course at The Wyatt Institute of Real Estate. Dr. Carper then became a licensed South Carolina agent.
Licensed: South Carolina Real Estate Sales
Member: National Association of REALTORS ®
Member: South Carolina Association of REALTORS ®
Member: Greater Greenville Association of REALTORS ®
Diploma: Tabernacle Christian School
Bachelor of Theology Degree: Tabernacle Baptist Bible College
Master of Biblical Psychology Degree:
The American Baptist College and Seminary
Doctor of Divinity Degree: Tabernacle Baptist Bible College
Ben Carper was born in Greenville, South Carolina, and has spent his entire life there. He was born again in 1971 when his mother led him to Christ one Saturday afternoon.
The Lord began dealing with him about preaching the gospel in 1981 and in the fall of that year, he surrendered his life to the ministry. He began the Seeking the Lost radio broadcast in February of 1982 and maintained that broadcast until 1991.
In 1983, his late grandfather, Dr. Harold B. Sightler, introduced him to the Bright Spot Hour audience and he began speaking more often on his grandfathers broadcast. In December of 1994, at the age of 29, the entire operation of the Bright Spot Hour was turned over to Brother Carper.
In July of 1986, he married the former Judy Lynn Nicholson of Brevard, North Carolina. They met while she was in college at Tabernacle in Greenville and have made their home in the area. They have two children, Carolyn Eve and Logan Henry.
Revival meetings and Bible conferences have been a major part of Brother Carper's life. He began holding meetings in 1983 and has done so since, averaging 48 meetings per year. He has preached from Alaska to Florida, but primarily receiving wide circulation in the South.
He spent fourteen years on the staff at Tabernacle, working under his grandfathers supervision, nine years on the High School faculty and eight years teaching the Bible College.
His hobbies are raising pigeons, which has kept since his childhood, running, making music, and restoring automobiles.
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Dr. Ben Carper
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